Customer Retention & Reactivation Models

You have spent time, resources and money in acquiring your customers and now you need to leverage that acquisition. You have to keep them engaged, active, happy and loyal to your brand; KMA can help you do just that with our customer retention and reactivation models.

KMA’s Client Retention Program helps clients keep their existing customer base active and engaged. Our Customer Retention Program provides a substantial ROI that will benefit your bottom line and help you increase customer retention and loyalty.

These models are built using our proprietary consumer data resources: CMC (Consumer Marketing Connection); and CHANNELS, our virtual data-shed platform of multi-category, multichannel streams of data live-linked data feeds.

KMA’s analytic staff will work with you on selecting the model that will uncover the most responsive universe for your particular offer and marketing objective. Our process to move forward with any type of model is simple.

When the model/analysis is complete we provide a report detailing the modeling process, key explanatory variables, gains charts, available name counts, and our recommendations for testing and additional analyses. The modeling process will take about 3 weeks from start to completion, depending on which model scenario is selected.

KMA’s Client Reactivation Program helps our clients reactivate your inactive customers. Reactivating old customers is a cost-effective way to increase existing sales. KMA will help you determine which of your inactive customers have the greatest likelihood of becoming active again.

Typically, as much as 50% of these inactive customers can become active again, at a fraction of the cost of acquiring new customers from outside list sources.

KMA’s Client Reactivation program offers clients the opportunity to analyze their customer list of inactive customers and determine the individuals most likely to become active again. We can assist with who you should be engaging, when you should engage and what you should put in front of them that will be relevant to them at that time. Once this segment has been identified, you can tailor your next campaign to target these key inactive contacts as many times as you like!

Basic Information Needed for Modeling Purposes:

Basic information needed for modeling purposes:

(varies by type of model)

  • Client’s Best Customers
  • Buyers/Responders
  • Mailed Prospect File
  • Buyers/Responders and Non-Responders from a Campaign