KMA Consumer Databases

Key Marketing Advantage’s Brokerage Division delivers anything but traditional list brokerage to the Consumer Marketplace with knowledge and experience in publishing, continuity, catalog, fundraising, general merchandise, financial, educational, eCommerce, alternate media marketing and more.

Consumer Marketing Connection

Key Targeting Joined with Event & Trigger Data

Leading multi-channel data sources that include direct mail, internet buyers and responders, self-reported internet and direct mail surveys, direct response and government records are updated monthly and enhanced with comprehensive demographic, lifestyle and geo-demographic data.


A virtual marketing datashed system that is fed from multi-category streams of data linked to a continually refreshed pool of consumer marketing data.

Data is live linked via a proprietary dynamic algorithm, not appended periodically like traditional flat files or databases

  • New sources integrated on the fly
  • Multiple core demographic sources


KidBiz the innovative new prospecting platform for marketers of children’s products and services

KidBiz is a comprehensive repository of family data from cradle to caps and gowns that resides in a multichannel marketing platform that allows targeting to:

  • A custom tailored audience qualified for your offer