Key Marketing Advantage’s Brokerage Division delivers anything but traditional list brokerage to the Consumer Marketplace with knowledge and experience in publishing, continuity, catalog, fundraising, general merchandise, financial, educational, eCommerce, alternate media marketing and more. is a free directory of over 7,000 nationally and regionally accredited colleges across the U.S. from both online & traditional brick & mortar schools. helps consumers find the tools, information, and resources they need in deciding which school to attend.
1 Month Hotline: 129,298 is an online source for individuals starting or looking to continue their education in a variety of study areas at different degree levels. will match students with the right school & program for their line of study.
1 Month Hotline: 314,827 · 3 Month is an online source for coupons, offers & samples.
Members are Moms of infants to teens who make purchasing decisions for their households. They are interested in coupons for grocery, retail, dining out & more for themselves, their families & homes.
Consumers looking for health insurance fill out a detailed survey about themselves, their household, which coverage they’re looking for & are contacted by a Direct Health representative with applicable health insurance options matching their needs.
Direct Health offers quotes & information on Insurance: Individual, Family, Discount, Short-Term, Maternity,