Predictive Models
KMA Predictive Modeling
Predictive models help marketers identify their best prospects by using statistical techniques to calculate the probability that a prospect will exhibit a desired behavior. Models vary by type, technique, and/or by the variables or algorithms used to develop them.
KMA provides several types of models, depending on the goals of the marketer, including response models, paid response models, payment or credit risk models, churn/attrition models, high-value-customer (LTV) models, and customer clustering. Several techniques are available, including Good Customer Match Models, Previously Mailed Models, and Mailed Regression Models. We can also develop models that can be used for pre-mailed optimization or suppressions, as well as attrition prevention and reactivation models for client’s house/customer files.
These models are built using our proprietary consumer data resources: CMC (Consumer Marketing Connection); and CHANNELS, our virtual data-shed platform of multi-category, multichannel streams of data live-linked data feeds.
KMA’s analytic