SMART Offer Decisioning

donation-512SMART Offer Decisioning

SMART will help you serve the right offer to the right consumer. 

Whether you are looking to cross or upsell prospects, or serve up a third-party offers, KMA’s SMART Decisioning is the solution.  You can plug in our SMART data matching engine and match prospects using email address (or MD5 Hash of email) and/or postal address.  We make the match, then identify what offer and channel to present your offer giving you optimal response rates.

We can provide you with the information you need or make the decision for you!

SMART Data Enhancement


Data Append & Enhancements

Fill in the data gaps on your customer file!

Make sure you have all the up-to-date information you need to reach your customers effectively. Our SMART Data Enhancement service is a quick and simple way to get the most out of your customer list.

What type of data can I append?

SMART Custom Audience Creation

 smart2SMART  Custom Audience Creation

Reach a custom audience modeled specifically for your offer through SMART  Custom Audience creation

We approach online marketing just like we have done in direct mail for the past 30 years.  We do this by first matching your data with SMART, our proprietary database.

We then build a model and analyze the data to quickly pinpoint opportunities for customer acquisition, retention, and growth.  We also identify individuals who are unlikely to respond to offers to ensure your campaigns are lean and cost effective.

We use demographic, geographic, behavioral, interest, purchase and intent-based data to target your ideal audience. We build those audiences and then either match cookies to this audience and upload this directly into your media buying platform or we can use our own to serve display ads all over the Web.

Custom Audiences are built on SMART data


SMART Retargeting

retargeting-blueSMART Retargeting

Retargeting is an online marketing tactic that can help you keep your brand in front of consumers who visited your website (or landing page) and then bounced into cyberspace.

For most websites, only 2-3% of web traffic converts on the first visit. Retargeting is a tool designed to help companies reach the 98% of users who don’t convert right away.

Retargeting is a cookie-based technology that uses a simple Javascript code to anonymously ‘follow’ your audience all over the Web.

Using the nearly 2 million websites in our network we can find the prospects that left your web page and encourage them to come back to complete an action.